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Beach Recreation Association


The Beach Recreation Association is a private organization established by the original developer of Kent Island Estates who intended to give residents access to the Bay through three private properties:

  • A park on Queen Anne Road

  • A beach at the north end of Bay Drive

  • A small park at the south end of Bay Drive


The Beach Association has a kayak rack at the Queen Anne Rd. beach. Those wishing to use the rack for kayaks, paddle boards, etc. should contact John Phelps for a space assignment.


There are annual dues for the use of these properties.  Residents who wish to join may write to:

Kent Island Estates Recreation Association

P. O. Box 490

Stevensville, MD 21666


You may also call or e-mail John Phelps at:

Day Phone:  410-643-5450

Mobile:         410-530-4389

KIEBRA Governing Documents




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